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Fagor grating ruler
Precision grating at both ends of the machine ensure highly accurate positioning of the upper beam.
The independently mounted ruler mounting frames automatically compensate for the minimal deflection of the press brake side frames, ensuring perfect bending results.
The ram accuracy is guaranteed to +/0.01mm.
Motorized stop fingers
To ensure superior movement accuracy of the X-axis, we utilize imported ball screws and linear guide rails instead of traditional screw rods. This choice enhances the precision and consistency of our fabrication process.
We have implemented a synchronous pulley mechanism controlled by a servo motor for the rear stop, as opposed to a stepping motor. This upgrade provides better control and accuracy in our operations.
Our entire backgauge system undergoes a high-temperature tempering process to eliminate internal stress, enhance metal plasticity and toughness, and prevent any loss of accuracy resulting from frame deformation.
Technical Specifications
#958 Dongcheng Rd, Bowang town, Maanshan, China.


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