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Motor and Pump
Siemens motor ensure stable power input;
American brand Sunny/First gear pump made of high-strength cast iron, 
unique internal noise reduction design and can withstand high pressure.
Schneider electrics
Use Schneider Electrics with high reliablity and performance
Use China top brand servo motor for high accuracy with fast speed
Electric cabinet with door open power off function for safty
Rexroth valves
Top brand hydraulic valves ensure stable hydraulic system;
Less oil leakage
More smooth speed changing
Back guage
Made with high precision ball screw and linear guide
Driven by servo motor with high speed
Adopt belt transmission with lower noise
Fast clamp and high precision moulds
Using quick release system for easy changing top puch
Optioinal Wila hydraulic clamping systems
Adopts segmented puch and multi-V die
Heavy duty fingers
Available for both thin and thick plate
With strong beam base
With double linear guide
Optional motor driven
Sanxin PPO® CNC Crowning

The Sanxin Pro® Adaptive CNC Crowning system enables the user to offset deformations of the beam while bending. thus, the angle is keeping constant along the entire plate length.

Easy reversibility of tools because of symmetrical adaption
CNC electric drive connected direct to the machine
Micro crowning every 200mm
#958 Dongcheng Rd, Bowang town, Maanshan, China.


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